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Batting Cages
Batting Cages
Not only do we have two token-operated cages, but we have a pair of manually-operated pitching machines. We even built a dugout for teams!

How to Play
Swing bat only in cage not outside.
Never stand in front of pitching machine or on home plate.
Watch for stray balls at your feet.
Bat at your own risk.

Must be 8 years or older.
Helmet required.
One person in cage at a time.
No gum, seeds, or chewing tobacco in cages.
Be safe and don't fool around in cages.

Fully automatic cages (#1 & #2).
$1 token = 14 balls.
Rental batting cages​.
Manual cages (#3 & #4).
$40 for full hour​.
$30 for half an hour.
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